Washington D.C. Deaf Directory

AKRIDGE James / james.akridge(at)gallaudet.edu
AUGUSTINE Shannon / shannon.augustine(at)gallaudet.edu
BEASLEY Brette / beasley.brette(at)epa.gov
BIDART Mariana / MarianaBidart(at)hotmail.com
BISHOP Laurie / tigger_laurie(at)yahoo.com
BOREN Lynn Ray / Raybok24(at)aol.com
BOREN Touria / touahid(at)aol.com
CARTER Kerry / carterke(at)aol.com
CLOUTIER Daniele / powagirl(at)hotmail.com
COLBROOK Jeff / eaglesrulz(at)hotmail.com
COOK Brian / NikemanBC(at)AOL.COM & BCook56(at)aol.com
CORNISH Emil / SurfDuDez(at)aol.com
CREIGHTON Nancy / creighton(at)purple-swirl.com
DRAKE Richard / redofdc(at)aol.com
DRAWL Tracey / traceyria09(at)aol.com
EDMONDS Andre / Duane93(at)hotmail.com
FIASAL Gill / fiasalgill(at)yahoo.com
FIELDS Michael / michael.fields(at)gallaudet.edu
FOO Catherine / chiewpf(at)hotmail.com
GAURAV Mathur / gaurav.mathur(at)gallaudet.edu
GIBBONS Beth / beth.gibbons(at)gallaudet.edu
GREEN Kelly / Nikemom5(at)aol.com
GREENWALD Rebecca McGregor / Alpsten72(at)aol.com
HABTE Kidane / habte_kidane(at)bah.com
HU Jue / world29us(at)yahoo.com
HUSSAIN Zubair / zubair7(at)verizon.net
JOHNS Julie / JulieJJohns(at)hotmail.com
KANNAPELL Barbara / Kanny(at)aol.com
KARUNYA Samuel / samuelkb(at)aol.com
KELLER Christina Maria / cmkeller(at)yahoo.com
KELLY Arlene / arlene.kelly(at)gallaudet.edua>
KEMPTON (Smith) Ryan & Tracey /
KISKINIS W. Sophie / skgypsy(at)yahoo.com
KUMARA Fernando / fernando_usa1999(at)hotmail.com
LAWRENCE Jane / janeluv911(at)yahoo.com
LEVESQUE Suzanne / sue_levesque(at)yahoo.com
LIVELY Christy / Lively40(at)hotmail.com
LYDON Charmaine / lydonc(at)prodigy.net
MARQUIS Melissa / DeafNH(at)aol.com
McMANUS Christopher / chris1717.wdc(at)gmail.com
MUNOZ-TORRES Sibila / sibrea19(at)aol.com
NAKAHARA Derrick / hoku_seaturtle(at)yahoo.com
NGUYEN Thuan / thuan.nguyen(at)gallaudet.edu
NJIE Tchabbi / njieyvonne(at)hotmail.com
NOMELAND Jamie / JamieRona(at)aol.com
PEARLAMN Michael / mpearldoo(at)hotmail.com
PEIRIS Tissa / tissa.peiris(at)gallaudet.edu
PETIT Jivan / jspetit2002(at)msn.com
O'BRIEN Michael / Keishacat(at)aol.com
ONTIVEROS Alejandro / megizmoraza(at)aol.com
ORTON Rebecca / rebaorton(at)hotmail.com
SAMUEL Karunya / samuelkb(at)aol.com
SANDERS Billy / billy.a.sanders(at)gmail.com
SCHREIBER Ashley / ashley(at)vitalsignsllc.net
SHENOY Katherine / KittyShenoy(at)coopamerica.org
SMITH Cate / catesweet4luv(at)yahoo.com
SNYDER LaDonna / Lamertx(at)yahoo.com
SOKOLOSKI Bryan / Sokolowski(at)hotmail.com
SOLBODA William / William.Sloboda(at)Gallaudet.edu
STONE Elizabeth / elizabeth.stone(at)gallaudet.edu
STRASSLER Barry / barry(at)deafdigest.com
TRUMBLE Susan / Sunbearie95(at)hotmail.com
TSAI Joseph F. / TsaiJ(at)aol.com
TWIDT Kenton / OnlyKenton2(at)aol.com
TYREE Revis / tyreer(at)sec.gov
VALVERDE Ralph / ralph_v(at)hotmail.com
VELEZ Ana, Confessor & Joshua / scoobydooa2005(at)aim.com
WESTBURY Dylan / dylan.westbury(at)gallaudet.edu
WIATROWSKI Wendy / WWiatrowski(at)aol.com
WORTHYLAKE Timothy / timothy.worthylake(at)gallaudet.edu
YBARRA Adam / Arabianhorse4(at)hotmail.com
ZAPATA Rod / rodzap53(at)hotmail.com

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