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Guatemala Deaf Directory

ACAJABON Alex / alexacajabon(at)
ARAUJO Wendy / wendy_araujo(at)
BARRIENTOS Manuel / tato982(at)
De LEON Alvaro / adeleones(at)
De LEON Marfin / marfind(at)
De LEON MIGUEL Estuardo Ivan / ivandeleon48(at)
DUARTE Jose Antonio / joan85(at)
ENRIQUEZ Mario / mario_enrique6(at)
ENRIQUEZ Marisa / enriquez_marisa(at)
GIRON William / willy22_48(at)
GONZALEZ Nery / neryg26(at)
GORDILLO Jorge / jaog7(at)
GUILLEN Byron / byguironen(at)
HERNANDEZ Juan Luis / juanhernandez999(at)
LOPEZ Carlos / lopezfp(at)
LOPEZ Zulia / zulia_lopez23(at)
MAYEN ENRIQUEZ Mario Rodolfo / enriquezrojo21(at)
MEJIA Alvaro / alv23_16(at)
MICHEO ROMERO Kevin Josue / micheopop(at)
OLIVA Carlos / caolp(at)
PACAY Martha / marthapacay(at)
PADILLA Fausto / faustopa23(at)
PEREZ Peralta / jellsonp(at)
POITEVIN Alejandro / cyberalejo(at)
PULIDO Gloria / gloriajunay(at)
SORIA Wagner / tommy_w04(at)
URIAS Pablo / jupau11(at)
VIRGINIA Aleman / vialeman(at)

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