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Kenya Deaf Directory

AKOTH Esthe / esthakoth(at)
ASEKA Paul / pma2114(at)
ASIEMA Hudson / hudsonasi2(at)
DAUDI Hassan / hassandeaf(at)
IRERI Jacob / jacobireri78(at)
KAKIRI Nickson / nkakiri(at)
KAMAU Henry / warriorke(at)
KHISA Dancan / dancankhisa(at)
LETEIPA Elisha / elishaleteipa5(at)
MAINA Kamau / henry_kamau(at)
MALIBA Electine / electine.maliba(at)
MALUBI Job / jobmal(at)
MATIVU Richard / mativu(at)
MURIUKI Alfred / alfred.muriuki(at)
MUTIO Charles / ckm8660(at)
MWATHI Daniel / dmwathi89(at)
NDEGA David / daudindega(at)
NJIHIA Daniel / dnjihia50(at)
NTEERE Musa / mnteere33(at)
NYAKITI Moses Omondi / moses_deafsignkrishna(at)
OBUYA George / deafsocialcouncelling(at)
ORUCHO Rael / Oraelon(at)
OUMA Samuel / samuelouma(at)
OWINOS Joanes / jowinos(at)
OWITI Jack / owitie(at)
PAUL Njatha / marriageaniversary8(at)
RAJORO KOWERU Bernard Shem / shem3939(at)
TSUMA Benedict / tsuma3(at)

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